Take control of your creative mind

Independently Inclusive

“Well, I, um …”

Wellium Publishing, LLC embraces creative minds who are better on paper than in person. Established in 2022 by independent fiction author Jes Smyth, Wellium Publishing is a place for aspiring authors, poets, writers, and dreamers to take control of their writing by exploring various possibilities.

Tailored to Your Writing Journey

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What is step one when creating a business? It’s not as hard as you think.

Bring Your Vision to Life

Remember those amazing ideas locked up inside your mind? Make them real.

Explore Writing Resources

Learn to present yourself and your concepts with confidence.

Partner with Us

Break through walls to turn your small working business into an empire.

Poet to Published

Your poetry could be featured in our debut anthology! If accepted, your work will be published in a softcover anthology. Space is LIMITED.

Aspiring Author

Monthly access to our growing library of online classes, training courses, special events, and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Path to Publication
$165/yr — Get 1 month free

Annual access to our growing library of online classes, training courses, special events, and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Take control of your your creative mind

We’ll be with you every step of the way.